Thursday 10 November 2011

The Enterprisor - Proposal for Interface

The Enterprisor - King George Square
Interactive Participatory Media and Collaborative Action
The Enterprisor is a concept.

In essence, it is a platform to promote collaboration through participatory media and collective action.

It transcends the physical and virtual realms.

It is a self-organising system that is more indeterminate than governed; more open source than controlled, more process than product.The Enterprisor provides an opportunity for those disadvantaged or those seeking to develop an innovation, or those willing to help to come together in an exciting collaborative environment.

The Enterprisor provides access to the tools and resources necessary for social innovation. Through virtual and real-world collaboration spaces, the connections and networks can develop as required for start-ups requiring funding, innovators requiring assistance and guidance for their particular venture, or employment models through which people can learn or improve on their skills.

The Enterprisor - Southbank
Public Collaboration Installation

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