Wednesday 12 October 2011

The Enterprisor

Research for the interface of The Enterprisor

thought process for possible interface to be placed in civic spaces, town squares etc...

Japnet - the Architetcure of Knowledge
Cedric Price and Gordon Pask

flow of information in space

photocopy collage showing location and scale of information spheres on site

sketch of information spheres

Kawasaki (city) suspension

Representation of concept
Cedric Price
Plan of exhibition space

Double-sided display unit

Hole in the Earth
Opening of the installation Hole in the Earth by Maki Ueda, Rotterdam, December 2003
The project Hole in the Earth linked the audience in Rotterdam with people in Indonesia on the other side of the world through screens, camera, and microphones in an installation resembling a well.

Face Your World
Face Your World: involving young kids in community planning.
Jeanne van Heeswijk's project Face Your World – which took place in Columbus, Ohio, in 2002 – gave children on a bus access to a multi-user computer game allowing them to redesigning their communities as they envisioned them. At three bus stops, the creations were displayed on special screen sculptures presenting the results of the game to the urban community. As van Heeswijk put it, "It's about the way people look at the space around them. With everything being privatized now, people don't view the community as their own any more."

Urban Screens are defined as various kinds of dynamic digital displays in urban space that are used in consideration of a well balanced, sustainable urban society – screens that support the idea of public space as space for creation and exchange of culture, or the formation of a public sphere through criticism and reflection. Their digital and networked nature makes these screening platforms an experimental visualization zone on the threshold of virtual and urban public space.
Mirjam Struppek
Urban Media Research, Berlin

Interactive Displays in Public Space
by Daniel Michelis

The Audience Funnel framework
(Michelis, Müller (2011) International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction Volume 27, Issue 6)

The Audience Funnel – adapted version
(Jörg Müller, Florian Alt, Daniel Michelis, Albrecht Schmidt, in: Proceedings of the international conference on Multimedia (MM ’10). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1285-1294)

Digital immersion is moving into public space. Interactive screens and public displays are deployed in urban environments, malls, and shop windows. Inner city areas, airports, train stations and stadiums are experiencing a transformation from traditional to digital displays enabling new forms of multimedia presentation and new user experiences.

Perception and Usage of Interactive Displays
(Source: Daniel Michelis (2009), according to: Brignull & Rogers, 2003)
Design Elements of Interactive Displays
(Source: Daniel Michelis, 2009)

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