Sunday 30 October 2011

Interim Presentation

first draft of movie presentation for final design assignment
comments / feedback appreciated


  1. Damien, I could imagine myself within the spaces you were creating (I hope that's the intent!!) ... I wasn't able to catch the smaller red text so missed a lot of your message but perhaps that's from the operating system that I am using at the moment (I'm on a pc). Is the resolution going to be higher in the final one? All in all, looking really good thus far!! Kat

  2. thanks kat, still a long way to go and i've been taking slightly different directions from this but thats what happens. learning new programs at the 11th hour doesn't help either!! good point with the red text, will change that. yes res will be higher. might flick you a draft as i progress for feedback if you don't mind. feel free to send me anything or i'll check your blog too.

  3. oh and i might use some of that post you facebooked me too. very useful.
