Sunday 14 August 2011

Exemplar Strategy - Flexible

Neil Denari
Tokyo International Forum Competition,
Ink on Mylar with pantone film.
Collection FRAC Centre, Orleans.

LA architect and 'machine architecture' protagonist Neil able to be both gigantan (just look at those Goliath legs that straddle the green volume) and finicky (just pick your way among the balconies and ramps of the upper drawing). In earlier works he had already displayed a penchant for the combination of mechanised elements with large, bulk areas of containment. In the Tokyo project, he seems to effortlessly present present us with combinations of the reasonable: stripes of serviceable floors,one upon the other, intriguing series of cuts into the taller elements, and thena series of incidental built parts that sneak past, peek out, dangle down.

Cook, P. (2008) Drawing: the motive force of architecture Wiley & Sons Pty. Ltd. West Sussex, UK.

William Heath Robinson

'Carrying out the Correspondence for Mountain Climbing in the Home'

William Heath Robinson is a cartoonist from the first part of the 20th century who spent most of his time to invent complicated mechanical apparatuses in order to achieve a single action. The absurdity that emerges from those machines is...a pretty good expression of technophilia in its ambiguity.

Lambert, L. (2010, September 30). William Heath Robinson's Mechanical Apparatus' [Web log post]. 

'Stout members of the sixth column dislodge an enemy machine gun post on the dome of St Paul's'

William Heath Robinson chose to tweak the public with notions of the unlikely (but nearly possible) in a strategy of confrontation. He remains a reference for all who subscribe to the spirit of invention. Not a little of the naughtiness that can be found in early English 'High Tech' comes from his propositions, which includes strings, buckets, pulleys, buckets, or the waggling of the big toe to set up a chain reaction.

Cook, P. (2008) Drawing the motive force of architecture Wiley & Sons Ltd., West Sussex, UK.

CJ Lim / Studio 8
"Dream Isle" by CJ Lim/Studio 8 Architects
from Short Stories: London in Two-and-a-Half Dimensions

Sound creating form - exploration - Carson Smuts - Columbia NYC

Daniel Libeskind
Little Universe, 1979
Ink on paper

Coop Himmelb(l)au
Coop Himmelb(l)au, Dosen-Wolke 1968

A proposal for a contraption, The dosen-Wolke for a gallery in Dusseldorf, that is part-dream, part gadget, part inflatable, part mechanism and perhaps part art-piece and part architecture. Peter Cook.
Yuri Avvakumov and Yuri Kuzin, 1986-9

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