Sunday 14 August 2011

Exemplar Strategy - Virtual

CJ Lim
Virtually Venice

Virtually Venice celebrates and adds to the connections between Venice and China. It began with the legendary story of Marco Polo’s meeting with the Mongol Emperor, Kublai Khan. In these portrayals of how Khan might have imagined Venice after their conversations, the city takes on aspects of the East and reconfigures itself in new architectural forms. While the two protagonists metaphorically represent East and West, this research aims to investigate cultural/identities differences and similarities.

Lim CJ., (2011) The Bartlett Faculty of Built Environment [Web log post].

Dan Slavinsky
A cage went searching for a bird

retrieved from

Julie Von Rohr
Julie Von Rohr, Colour Interface
Julie Von Rohr exploring the theme of architecture as an environmental body-wrap. An array of illuminated points that are reminiscent of a synthesiser relate together with a keypad and a sound system.
Nat Chard
Nat Chard, Layer : Third Generation Architecture Built Within the Body
Nat Chards work looks at optics, observation and controlled territories of vision. Layer 6 (2000) in 3D compares the analogies between the major functioning elements of the human body and typical architectural
or urbanistic arrangements.


  1. Hey, just came across your blog by chance doing an image search, got some great posts and images. CJ Lim did a guest lecture at my university (Sheffield Hallam) earlier this week, it was about Virtual Venice too. I love those Dan Slavinsky images too - might have to try something like that myself.

  2. Cool, thanks Oliver. Yes i was really interested to learn about CJ Lim. I'm sure it was an interesting lecture - he seems very passionate. What year are you in? We just finished 4th year yesterday, which is a great feeling. Means i have graduated. Trying to decide now whether or not to carry on and do masters (we have 4+1 for the course here). It's a tough course. Yes i have been very inspired by Dan Slavinsky's is really unique. Have you got a blog? or any work up online?
