Wednesday 21 September 2011


biot(h)ing is a research-design laboratory whose structure derives from particular linkages between various disciplinary and technological nodes, promoting intra-specific creative relationships which in turn serve as a transformative tissue for the design process itself. An algorithmic articulation of the relation between the corporeal and incorporeal i s biot(h)ing’s attempt to engage with complexity. Away from individuations as subject or form, design is understood as genetic inscription. Parallel reality of the invisible code is a common ground for multiple actualizations.

“swells: scripting logics“

alisa andrasek is an experimental practitioner of architecture and computational processes in design. In 2001 she founded biot(h)ing, a t rans-disciplinary laboratory which research focuses on generative potential of physical and artificial computational systems for design. Andrasek graduated from the School of Architecture, University o f Zagreb and holds a Masters in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University.

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