Saturday 10 September 2011


Minority Report
Apologies for the 3 mins you might have to sit though of Tom Cruise, but the technology is interesting and maybe not too far away.

Ron Arad
Curtian Call Art Installation
some great footage from about 1.40, would have loved to have seen this.

Iron Man 2 - SFX montage by Prologue Film

Instructables is a web-based documentation platform where passionate people share what they do and how they do it, and learn from and collaborate with others. The seeds of Instructables germinated at the MIT Media Lab as the future founders of Squid Labs built places to share their projects and help others.

Squid Labs was founded in early 2004 by four passionate scientists & engineers. The vision of Squid Labs: Bring in consulting & contract work, and use the profits to grow internal projects & technologies. Keep many projects active, keep a small core technical team and outsource the rest, and build a high productivity workspace.
SQUID Labs is characterized by our multidisciplinary skill set and our ability to combine those diverse skills to create novel solutions.
"We're not a think tank, we're a do tank"
Delicious is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. The site was founded by Joshua Schachter in 2003 and acquired by Yahoo! in 2005, and by the end of 2008, the service claimed more than 5.3 million users and 180 million unique bookmarked URLs.

Delicious uses a non-hierarchical classification system in which users can tag each of their bookmarks with freely chosen index terms (generating a kind of folksonomy). A combined view of everyone's bookmarks with a given tag is available; for instance, the URL displays all of the most recent links tagged "wiki". Its collective nature makes it possible to view bookmarks added by other users.

Delicious has a "hotlist" on its home page and "popular" and "recent" pages, which help to make the website a conveyor of Internet memes and trends.

Delicious is one of the most popular social bookmarking services. Many features have contributed to this, including the website's simple interface, human-readable URL scheme, a novel domain name, a simpleREST-like API, and RSS feeds for web syndication.

Use of Delicious is free. The source code of the site is not available, but a user can download his or her own data through the site's API in an XML or JSON format, or export it to a standard Netscape bookmarks format.

Digg is a social news website. Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by our community. Prior to Digg v4, its cornerstone function consisted of letting people vote stories up or down, called digging and burying, respectively. Digg's popularity prompted the creation of copycat social networking sites with story submission and voting systems.

How does it work?
Digg builds lists of popular stories being shared across the web. Every story has a digg button. Along with that button is a number that is the number of people from the Digg community who have said they like that like or digg that story.

The number of diggs a story collects over time can affect how that story spreads and gains more popularity as it spreads more.

Facebook Connect
In May 2009, Digg launched a new feature integrating Facebook Connect with Digg. The Digg integration with Facebook connect allows users of Digg and Facebook to connect their accounts. When a Facebook account is connected to a Digg account, Digg articles can then be shared on the user's Facebook page.

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