Saturday 3 September 2011

Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics argues that human nature is not fixed: humans are able, when forced by life conditions, to adapt to their environment by constructing new, more complex, conceptual models of the world that allow them to handle the new problems. Each new model transcends and includes all previous models. According to Beck and Cowan, these conceptual models are organized around so-called Memes: systems of core values or collective intelligences, applicable to both individuals and entire cultures.

In spiral dynamics, the term Meme refers to a core value system, acting as an organizing principle, which expresses itself through memes (self-propagating ideas, habits, or cultural practices). The prepended and superscripted letter v indicates these are not basic memes but value systems which include them. The colors act as reminders for the Life Conditions and Mind Capacities of each system and alternate between cool and warm colors as a part of the model.

Within the model, individuals and cultures do not fall clearly in any single category (color). Each person/culture embodies a mixture of the value patterns, with varying degrees of intensity in each. Spiral Dynamics claims not to be a linear or hierarchical model, although this assertion has been contested. According to Spiral Dynamics, there are infinite stages of progress and regression over time dependent upon the life circumstances of the person/culture, which are constantly in flux. Attaining higher stages of development is not synonymous with attaining a 'better' or 'more correct' values system. All stages co-exist in both healthy and unhealthy states, whereby any stage of development can lead to undesirable outcomes with respect to the health of the human and social environment.

2nd tier "transpersonal" values - being
turquoise - holistic self
collective individualism - starting 30 years ago
experience the wholeness of existence through mind & spirit
quest: peace
·         self is both distinct and part of a larger compassionate world
·         world is a single dynamic organism with it's own collective mind
·         everything connected thru ecological alignments
·         holistic intuitive thinking and cooperative actions are to be expected
pitfalls:     pathalogics of the soul

yellow - integral self
worldcentric - starting 50 years ago
live fully and responsibly as what you are and learn to become
quest: to balance the whole
·         life is a kaleidoscope of of natural hierarchies, systems and forms
·         the magnificence of existence is valued over material possessions
·         understands that chaos and change are natural
pitfalls:     aborted self-actualisation, bad faith

radical phase shift

1st tier "personal" values - subsistence
green - sensitive self
collective individualism, informational - starting 150 years ago
seek peace within the inner self and explore the caring dimensions of community
quest: affectionate relations, dialogue and consensus
·         the human spirit must be freed from greed, dogma and devisiveness
·         spreads the earths resources and opportunities equally among all
·         reaches decisions through reconciliation and consensus processes
pitfalls:     unauthenticity, narcissism - me generation

orange - achiever self
capitalistic democracies - starting 300 years ago
act in your own self interest by playing the game to win
quest: material pleasure, in defence of civilisation
·         manipulates earths resources to create and spread the abundant good life
·         optimistic, risk-taking, and self-reliant people deserve success
·         societies prosper through strategy, technology, and competitiveness
pitfalls:     identity crisis, workaholism, over-attachment

blue - rule / role self
nation states, authoritarian - starting 5,000 years ago
life has meaning, direction direction, and purpose with predermined outcomes
quest: ultimate peace, good vs evil
·         one sacrifices self to the transcendent Cause, Truth or righteous Pathway
·         follow the given rules, don't exceed your role
·         righteous living produces stability now and guarantees future reward
·         impulsivity is controlled through guilt
pitfalls:     archetypal role definition, fundamentalism

red - impulsive self / egocentric
feudal and exploitive empire - starting 10,000 years ago
be what you are and do what you want, regardless
quest: heroic status, power, glory, rage and revenge
·         align with power, take what you need
·         breaks free from any domination or constraint to please self as self desires
·         enjoys self to the fullest right now without guilt or remorse
pitfalls:     anxiety, phobias, guilt, terrorism

purple - magical / animistic self
tribal order - starting 50,000 years ago
keep the spirits happy and the tribes warm and safe
quest: safe mode of living, security
·         allegiance to chief, elders, ancestors, and the clan
·         individual subsumed in the group
·         preserves sacred objects, places, events and memories
·         observes rites of passage, seasonal cycles and tribal customs
pitfalls:     narcissism, tribal conflicts

beige - instinctive self
survival bands - starting 100,000 years ago
do what you must to stay alive
quest: food, water, warmth, shelter
·         use instincts and habits just to survive
·         distinct self is barely awakened or sustained
·         forms into survival bands to perpetuate life
pitfalls:     primitive development psycho-pathologies, autism

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